Midgaard Event - Mågevej 15 - 2400 Kbh NV - Tlf: +45 33 23 95 75 - Email: info@mev.dk
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> Frontpage > Murder Mystery > Lodge Dinner

Murder Mystery Game:
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The Lodge Dinner


3-5 hours

Indoors, Restaurant


(for 10-100 participants)

Additional services:
Casino, Party, Fireworks

Price estimate

For 20 participants: 50.000
For 50 participants: 72.500

The estimates are excl. VAT and are guidelines only. Extra services are not included eg. for location and dining.
Please contact us for your final price.

The Lodge Dinner

A Murder Mystery Game customized to your company

The Lodge DInner is the perfect event for customers or employees needing a unique experience which also is relevant to the company values and history.

In this "Da Vinci"-inspired game everybody is invited to participate in the annual and traditional Lodge Dinner. The Grand Master of the Lodge has personally invited everybody to adress a big problem. Somebody unknown is plotting against the Lodge and it is vital that the issue be solved as fast as possible. Soon the quintannual meeting between the Grand Master and his peers from other lodges around the world is to take place and The Company Lodge needs to be represented to get the vision through.

The celebrations is abruptly cut short when the Grand Master is poisoned and drops to the floor...dead! It is clear that the murderer is one of the other members of the Lodge's High Council whom are alle present in the room at the time of the murder. To make matters worse the Lodge Key is safely locked away in the old chest and the only one who knows the codes to the 10 locks is the now deceased Grand Master.

The participants, dicvided into different orders within the lodge, are thus faced with a dualistic challenge; find the murderer so he or she can be put to justice and solve the ten riddles to free the key, ensuring the lodge's survival. The Order (team) able to solve the majority of the riddles and find the murderer will be given the possibility to declare a new Grand Master among their ranks.


To ensure a great event, The Lodge DInner needs a large degree of costumization to your company. Company values, history, names, dates will all be written into the plot. To do this we need a certain degree of involvement, a meeting or two and constant communication in the planning phase.

Click to see a case from Raadvads 250 Years anniversary

.....MIDGAARD EVENT, "The lodge dinner" fully lived up to our expectatino. Even though i was very nervous about the day and the very untraditional program, botht the guests and myself agreed that the experience  had been a big and soothing succes. I will gladly recommend MIDGAARD EVENT to anyone else.

Click to see case

J. Skov - Marketing Manager, Raadvad

We chose the game Called "Lodge of the Albatros", by MIDGAARD EVENT. The Event was a great succes for everybody involved. Everybody was very taken by the game and the amazing world it had to offer. MIDGAARD EVENT gets our warmest recommendations and this arrangement "The Lodge Dinner".

Novo A/S - K.Dueholm

Midgaard Event - Mågevej 15 - 2400 Kbh NV - Tlf: +45 33 23 95 75 - Email: info@mev.dk
Frontpage - Contact - Concepts: Murder Mysteries - Action - Adventure - Company Party - Party Add-ons - Locations: Restaurants - Event Locations - Conference - Abroad - Everything else: Transportation - Show - Music - Food & beverage - Costumer Events - References: Gallery of costumers - Customer statements - Media - Gallery: Pictures - Cinema - Behind the scenes - About MIDGAARD EVENT: About us - Staff - Jobs - Download & links - Why use us - Login Sprog: Dansk