Midgaard Event - Mågevej 15 - 2400 Kbh NV - Tlf: +45 33 23 95 75 - Email: info@mev.dk
Frontpage - Contact - Concepts: Murder Mysteries - Action - Adventure - Company Party - Party Add-ons - Locations: Restaurants - Event Locations - Conference - Abroad - Everything else: Transportation - Show - Music - Food & beverage - Costumer Events - References: Gallery of costumers - Customer statements - Media - Gallery: Pictures - Cinema - Behind the scenes - About MIDGAARD EVENT: About us - Staff - Jobs - Download & links - Why use us - Login Sprog: Dansk
> Frontpage > Restaurants > Herlev Kitchen & Conference


Known for:

Being able to offer unique surroundings and events with a strong focus on cooperation.



Recommended for:
Murder Mysteries
Murder at Casino Fortuna
Godfather Cluedo


Herlev Kitchen & Conference

In Herlev lies the beautiful Herlev Kitchen & Conference, where the taste buds are stimulated to the utmost complexity. You meet and create testeful great food just in any variation you wish. Sushi, Spicy food, Arabic food, Italian food. You decide! The main thing is that all the senses come into use. Listen, see, smell, taste, compete (if you like) and laugh while you work and not least cooperate. The food, cooperation and togetherness is the highest common denominator, the result must be sublime - nothing less.
Contact us at info@mev.dk or phone +45 33 23 95 75 for further information about our combined location-event package.



Midgaard Event - Mågevej 15 - 2400 Kbh NV - Tlf: +45 33 23 95 75 - Email: info@mev.dk
Frontpage - Contact - Concepts: Murder Mysteries - Action - Adventure - Company Party - Party Add-ons - Locations: Restaurants - Event Locations - Conference - Abroad - Everything else: Transportation - Show - Music - Food & beverage - Costumer Events - References: Gallery of costumers - Customer statements - Media - Gallery: Pictures - Cinema - Behind the scenes - About MIDGAARD EVENT: About us - Staff - Jobs - Download & links - Why use us - Login Sprog: Dansk