Midgaard Event - Mågevej 15 - 2400 Kbh NV - Tlf: +45 33 23 95 75 - Email: info@mev.dk
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> Frontpage > Music > Jukebox


Put on your dancing shoes on and come out and dance while the music tones bring festive mood of the time. A jukebox gives you ample opportunity to get out and dance to music in quite have the option to choose. With a jukebox everyone can be allowed to request songs and hear exactly the genre that they appreciate. Use the jukebox to hit everyone's taste in music and ensure you all have a wonderful evening.

Midgaard Event offers to undertake all the practical details and arrange for a jukebox, so that you will get the exact music you want.

If you want to learn more about the various options, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@mev.dk or phone 33 23 95 75


Midgaard Event - Mågevej 15 - 2400 Kbh NV - Tlf: +45 33 23 95 75 - Email: info@mev.dk
Frontpage - Contact - Concepts: Murder Mysteries - Action - Adventure - Company Party - Party Add-ons - Locations: Restaurants - Event Locations - Conference - Abroad - Everything else: Transportation - Show - Music - Food & beverage - Costumer Events - References: Gallery of costumers - Customer statements - Media - Gallery: Pictures - Cinema - Behind the scenes - About MIDGAARD EVENT: About us - Staff - Jobs - Download & links - Why use us - Login Sprog: Dansk