Midgaard Event - Mågevej 15 - 2400 Kbh NV - Tlf: +45 33 23 95 75 - Email: info@mev.dk
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> Frontpage > Action > Scout Event

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Scout EventDuration:
2- 4+ hours

Outside, Nature

20 participants: 22.500,-
50 participants: 40.500,-
150 participants:100.500,-

Teambuilding in the beautiful nature

Joins us in the experience of being a scout for one day

Custom made entertaining scout event with team building exercises consisting of various competitions in the beautiful scenery. Explore the life as a scout and learn to work together in new and different tasks where cooperation is critical to your team's success.

Example of programme:

15:00 Arrival, lemonade and cake - You are welcomed by your scout leaders in uniform.

15:15 Being a Scout: The competition

18:30 grill evening with a barbecue menu and campfires with twist bread for the volunteers

23:00 Good night

The program can of course be adapted

The package includes:
Custom made entertaining scout team building with various competitions
Delicious grill menu (main course buffet + dessert)
Mineral water and soft drinks during the afternoon
Drinks beer / water / wine all night
Campfires with twistbread
Midgaard Event aranges for a real scout hut and outdoor premises for exercises.


The combination of courses, events and real environment is unique, and the experience as a scout for a day is on only available exclusively through Midgaard Event.

Midgaard Event - Mågevej 15 - 2400 Kbh NV - Tlf: +45 33 23 95 75 - Email: info@mev.dk
Frontpage - Contact - Concepts: Murder Mysteries - Action - Adventure - Company Party - Party Add-ons - Locations: Restaurants - Event Locations - Conference - Abroad - Everything else: Transportation - Show - Music - Food & beverage - Costumer Events - References: Gallery of costumers - Customer statements - Media - Gallery: Pictures - Cinema - Behind the scenes - About MIDGAARD EVENT: About us - Staff - Jobs - Download & links - Why use us - Login Sprog: Dansk